Disclaimer | Links! | Candy | Link Us | Email Brianna | Sign the Guestbook!! | Contact Me | Pictures | Brianna's Diary | News on Triple Image and Brianna | Tour Dates | Brianna | Discography and Triple Image
.:.Brianna Fuentes.:.
Welcome to the First Fan Site of Brianna Fuentes!


Kate blogged on January 10, 2004 @ 11:47a.m.
Hey!  Yeah, i haven't updated or blogged in awhile...but today is different!! lol.  Me and my friend (Nubi, who is so talented and an awesome online friend..) were talking about her site that hadn't been updated in a long time, and then I brought up this site and decided I should update it, rofl.  Anyway, enough with the chit-chat for now, on with the updates!  I updated news and appearances mostly.  I changed Contact Me around because my "Other Sites" links were wrong.  This might be the official Brianna Fuentes fansite eventually...I just need to talk to Marie, who just like Nubi is so awesome, about it.  She will probably say yes like she always does...lol.  She's a very cool and nice person.  Do you wanna talk to her?  Email her at Marie@tripleimagefans.com!  She is REALLY nice.  Anywho I think I am going to go now.  My birthday is in 5 days!!  I'm excited about it, but I guess ya'll don't care lol.  Talk to ya'll later!!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged on November 4, 2003 at 2:44pm CST
Hey!  Oh my gosh, I am sorry I haven't updated in over 2 months!  I have been really, really busy with my other websites.  And I have been making more and more for some reason!  Anyways, I updated a lot!  Just to catch up on everything I have missed.  I added a Disclaimer section, which is very important, so you should all go read that.  Also, I updated Links, Tour Dates, News, Contact Me, and I added a VERY exclusive High-quality clip of "turn it up!"  Triple Image's new song.  BUT NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO USE IT ON THEIR SITE!  It is 100% copyrighted to our site, and you cannot take it.  If i see it on your site, I am not going to be afriad to take action.  Even if you "PROMISE" to give credit, I still say no.  But, I have to go now, so i will ttyl!  XOXO; kate

Kate Blogged on August 2 at 9:11pm CST
Man!  I haven't updated in a long while, have I?  lol.  Well, I guess I kinda forgot about this site because I have plenty more other websites that I have to keep up with, but I got 2 emails from Brianna today, and I also talked to her on AOL, so I guess that reminded me of the site lol.  I updated a lot.  Pictures, Brianna's Diary, Contact Me, News and Tour Dates.  Well, I gotta run--fast!  Talk to you all later!!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 3:25pm on Sunday, May 11, 2003-
Whew!  I am sorry I haven't blogged/updated in awhile!  I have been really busy.  And I have just started to learn HTML to help out with Angel Faith Online, so I have been updating and concentrating on that for awhile!!  Well, let's see...I updated every page except Brianna's Diary and the guestbook.  Thanks to everyone who has signed it--I appreciate it very much!  Please help me promote this website!  We need lots of promoting!!  Thank you!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 12:51pm on April 18, 2003-
Hey guys!  I got around to update my Bri site!  I cannot say much in my blogging because I gotta go! :(  Well, I just wanna go lol because I have been trying to update this forever, but my mom keeps calling me, my computer messes up, you know what I mean!  Well, today I updated Brianna's Diary and I added the Links! section!  Also, I added some exclusive news!  so check that out!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 11:08pm eastern on April 11, 2003-
Yo!  It is K-A-T-E here!  First of all, thanks for coming to my little Brianna Fuentes Fansite!  I hope you enjoy it, and come back soon!  Today, I had school *ugh* but I did get an A+ on my Science Test!  Woo Hoo!  That is one thing to be glad about.  Another thing that is good is that my older, but more stupider brother is gone tonight and is going somewhere tomorrow too!  Too bad he couldn't have taken my other "noble-prize" (it is a "family joke" just ignore it lol) brother along with him!  Oh well!  Today I have had time to just sit back and relax--NOT!  Since I got outta school early, it meant Work, Work, WORK!!  But, I am talking fun work though.  But when you do it for awhile, it becomes "work."  I have been slumping over my laptop all day updating websites, making layouts that won't work, checking a million emails, etc.  Whew!  I also started making a website on the twins called, "The Fuentes Twins" lol!  I will put up the link ASAP!!  Busy day, busy day, busy day...but tomorrow I am still kinda busy lol!  Plus I got dance...oh well!  Now onto updates!  Today I took my time on this website because it is probably my favorite because I love "Little Miss Brat" lol..she is cool!  I updated news, links, link us, contact me and Brianna's Biography!!  Check everythin' out because I worked hard hehe!  ttyl!  IM me on : TiTroupie if you are online now!! :) xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 2:18pm on April 6, 2003-  Hey guys just a quick update because I gotta go to a movie!!  I am going to see, "What A Girl Wants" with my mom!  Anyways, I quickly update the homepage with an awesome collage that StarBerryGlitter@aol.com made me!  Thank you!!  Also, update Email Brianna, Link Us and Tour Dates!  Well, I G2G NOW!  Byebye!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 10:07 am eastern time on March 31, 2003-
I am finally home in Alabama!!  We didn't get home until, like, 9:20pm eastern time!  We could have gotten home earlier, but we had to go to the hospital and visit my other Grandmother because she was about to have surgery because she is very sick.  And we stayed longer than we planned to, then we drove for an hour and a half and got hungry, so we stopped at Cracker Barrell to eat dinner, then we went straight home and I was tired!!  Now on to updates.... today I update Tour dates, News on Triple Image and Brianna, and added a picture to Discography and Triple Image.  Also added a fan pic to the homepage!  I decided that if you have a picture, animation, graphic, collage or anything of Brianna, and you send it to me, I will put it on the "Fan Pic" section on the homepage!  And I will give you credit too!  Well, email me if you have anything because I g2g!  TTYL!!  XOXO ~kate 

Kate blogged on March 27, 2003 at 5:36pm eastern time-
I am in the mood for color today lol!  Today me, my mom and my 2 older brothers drove 7 whole hours to Kingsport, Tennessee to go to my Grandmother's house!!  And we left at 9:30 eastern and we got here around 3:00 eastern!  I am so tired!  But my grandmother got a computer so I can update my website and I also installed AIM, so IM me!!  Well, supper is ready now, but before I go, I wanna tell ya what I updated today...I update the Link Us section, Contact Me, Brianna's Biography *animated cursor only* and I changed around the homepage!  If you have a cute picture of Brianna that you would like to appear on the homepage, email me!  Jenny already did.  And to note: the www.tripleimagefans.com website is NOT open yet!!  It will be open this weekend or later, so don't go to it yet!!  Well, I g2g because I am SUPER hungry!!  Buh-Byes!  XOXO ~Kate

Kate blogged on March 25, 2003 at 10:09pm eastern time-
Hey you guys!  I am SO sorry I haven't updated in a VERY looooong time!!  I have been VERY busy!!  But I thought I really needed to update or at least blog!!!  Well....what happened to me today is I just had Emie and Chloe over and we did make-overs, did live interviews and we re-decorated my room!!  It it TOTALLLLLLLLY cool now!!  I will try to take pics and like send them to ya if you wanna see it lol!  Now onto updates... I updated wallpaper, appearances, and news so check that out!!  I will also be changing around the homepage with a picture that Jenny sent me to put on the website, but i just didn't have time today to do it!  Well, Ttyl!  XOXO ~Kate

Kate blogged at 5:08pm on Saturday, March 8, 2003-
Hey everyone!  Thanks for coming to the site!  Today I got Paint Shop Pro 7, and I made a link us page, and there is a banner that I made in that page, so be sure to link us to your website!!  Feel free to do it.  I also updated the wallpaper page w/ 2 wallpapers.  I made one of them!  Enjoy them!  I will make more tomorrow and put some on the site.  That is all I really updated today because I am kind of tired.  I am so sorry for not blogging or updating in awhile!  I will be sure to update tomorrow a little.  Thanks!! xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 10:41am central on March 3- I am so excited!  Yesterday Marie (Brianna's Mom) emailed me saying that she wanted me to be the Triple Image Street Team Leader where I lived, and I am like sure!!  I am so excited...Now onto updates!  I added some pictures to Brianna's Pics.  I also added some exclusive Wire Tour pics and a Zour Tour picture of Brianna.  Thanks for checkin out the site!  I g2g!  Bye!  ~Katelyn

Kate blogged at 2:15pm central on March 1, 2003-
Today my dad had his b'ball team over for the party, and I was like AHH strane people get outta my house.  Well, I am tellin you something you don't care about so now onto the updates...Today I did the whole picture thing, so check out some cool pics of Brianna and Triple Image!!!  Also added Brianna's Diary and I added a link that you HAVE to check out!  It is back-stage-pass.com and it includes pictures, interviews, contests and much much more!  Check it out!  xoxo ~kate

Kate blogged at 8:34pm central time on February 28, 2003- Hey thanks for visiting the first Brianna Fuentes Website!  Come back soon!  Today I opened the site, and I added all the pages.  Keep checking back!!  xoxo ~kate

Brianna Lauren Fuentes is the younest member of the girl group- Triple Image. Her older sisters, Bridgett and Brittney are also in the band with Brianna.

Brianna, also known as "The Little Bit," "Brat," "Bri" and "Cow Baby," loves to go rollar skating with her friends whenever she is bored. She also loves to watch her favorite movie, "Fox and the Hound." Brianna loves sweedish fish as her favorite candy. "But, ony the red ones." She says to me. The Little Bit also loves seafood. Especially fish and shrimp. Bri loves the color blue and enojys watching J. Lo movies. She loves Christina A. and her favorite CD is "Stripped" by the young star and she also loves Christina's "Dirrty."

Brianna's favorite thing about being a star is meeting new people and fans and performing. "Performing, you can actually interact with the audience and your fans," says the Little Bit. Brianna's favorite tour so far has been the Aaron Carter tour. "He was so fun and hilarious. He made the tour fun." Brianna's future goal is to sell lots of records, have lots of fans, and perform lots. She mostly wants to thank her mother, Marie Fuentes, for all over her hard work, love and dedication. "Without Mom, we could do nothing," Bri says.

Check Brianna out at http://www.tripleimage.com, (The Official Website) http://www.triple-image.cjb.net, (The Official Fan Site) http://tripleimage4ever.cjb.net, (Triple Image Fan Site) http://www.tripleimageonline.tk, (Triple Image Online Fan Site) and http://www.BriannaFuentes.cjb.net. (The First Brianna Fuentes Website)

© CoPyRiGhT ~The First Brianna Fuentes Website

Thanks so much for visiting the first fan site on Brianna Fuentes!  Come back soon!!

Check out some cool Triple Image Links and some other links:









If you want your site on the First Brianna Fuentes Fan Site, just email me!

    Fan Pictures and Work!!

Brianna Fuentes
Brianna Posing! {Credit: Jenny from tripleimagefans.com}

Brianna Hula-Hooping! {Credit: Tawny- Jenny's friend!}

Fanlistings I Have Joined:


Triple Image Fanlisting